Forney P&Z

P&Z politely declines cottage homes

Nov. 04, 2021 Forney P&Z considered MF and LI zoning requests, Bellagio Ph. 1A, Gateway Ph. 4, shot one down.

P&Z considers business expansion, more distribution centers

Apr. 08, 2021 Forney P&Z considered a business expansion, several distribution centers, new roads.

P&Z considers zoning several more distribution centers

Jan. 07, 2021 Forney P&Z considered zoning requests for Light Industrial (LI), plats for distribution centers.

P&Z considers zoning for Bellagio Lagoon

Dec. 03, 2020 Forney P&Z considered Bellagio, Wellington Ridge, Forney Marketplace, Bluejay, Oak Creek.

P&Z hears request for another distribution center

Nov. 05, 2020 Forney P&Z considered another distribution center (opposed by a resident), new school sites.

P&Z reconsiders Silver Crossing PD

Sep. 03, 2020 Forney P&Z considered revised Silver Crossing PD, thoroughfare plan.

P&Z considers PD mod's plus new PDs w/ town-homes and data centers

Aug. 06, 2020 Forney P&Z considered modifying Brookville and Wellington Ridge PDs, zoning for Trailhouse Park and Project Liberty (a data-center development)

P&Z considers new mixed-use PD,

P&Z considers project Hummingbird that could provide 800 jobs

June 04, 2020 Forney P&Z virtually considered rezoning 79 acres for 1 million sq. ft. distribution center, which could provide 800 jobs.

P&Z considers Overland Grove modifications

May 07, 2020 Forney P&Z considered amendments to Overland Grove PD


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