FISD extends Spring Break, City postpones events
City -
On March 17 the City of Forney announced it was postponing the April 4 Festival on Main and Chief Townsend's retirement event.
In the meantime, City officials will continue to ask residents to practice good hygiene such as avoiding close contact with people who are sick, staying at home when you are sick, covering your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing to reduce the spread of germs, washing your hands thoroughly and often and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
On March 17, FISD stated they are suspending normal school functions, and extending virtual learning, until at least April 6.
Students will not come to school. If you need items left in the school (technology, band instruments, medication, etc.), we will share a pick-up process this evening that will begin Wednesday. We will allow pick-up of items Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, March 18-20 from each campus.
Just because our facilities are closed to the public doesn’t mean we will stop serving our community. There are teams of people working around the clock to support our students and staff. We will continue to share resources we are putting in place from free wi-fi, meals, toiletries, school supplies, technology and virtual learning as quickly as possible.
We're collecting questions, and will continue sharing updates every day. The work continues and so does our commitment to preparing every student for the future.
Original Article:
From Forney ISD:
Important Message -
On March 13, Forney ISD announced an extension of spring break for students starting March 16. Students will not come to school, but the district will launch virtual learning for students on March 18.
Parents, please check your email for more information or visit FISD HealthUpdate.